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[Mar. 20] Anyone without MCUT Student ID card can't enter MCUT campus.

update date : 2020-03-26
Dear International Students,

Due to the recent Covid-19 outbreak, you must follow the regulations as below to protect yourselves:
1. Check your body temperature and get the stamp on your left hand every day.
2. MCUT campus is closed to the public. Anyone without MCUT Student ID card and delivery person can’t enter MCUT campus. Be sure to bring personal id card with you.
3. Stop joining or holding any unnecessary events on campus or outside campus.
4. Avoid any unnecessary trips no matter in Taiwan or abroad.
5. Wash your hands with soap frequently.
6. Wear surgical masks if you have any respiratory symptoms (such as coughing or sneezing).
7. If you or your roommates/ family members (anyone who's living with you now) go abroad or come back to Taiwan from overseas, be sure to inform CIA ASAP.
8. Every international student must report to the CIA staff immediately if there is anything wrong with the health condition and keep in touch with us at all times.

Noting is more important than fighting COVID-19 now. Please pay serious attention to this issue and obey the rules. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Any violators will be punished according to the university regulations.


1. 請所有教師上課前再次檢查學生左手腕是否蓋章,未蓋章者請其儘速至體溫量測站補測體溫,印章模糊者請其至體溫量測站補蓋印章,若有發燒請儘速至衛保組。
2. 校園暫不對外開放,3月23日零時起未有本校相關證件(包含教職員證、學生證、停車證、側門磁卡等),禁止進入校園(包含外送),未持相關證件者,需本校同仁攜帶相關證件至校門口帶領。亦請各位出校門記得攜帶證件,此外,週五返家需家人接送之學生,請與接送者約定於校門口外上車。
3. 教職員工近期若有同住之家人具境外旅遊史,可先向人事室登記後,由總務處安排入住企教中心14天。
4. 學生近期若有同住之家人具境外旅遊史,請勿返家。

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